Generated Respondents

Real Results

Slash research costs and accelerate insights with Personno’s AI-driven respondents. Experience rapid, unbiased behavior based data collection for smarter decision-making.

Data from the best



Redefine Sampling

• Create your unique audience using tag-based AI profiling for demographics, interests and more

• Describe your audience and Personno will generate AI respondents- the only limit is your imagination!

• Eliminate traditional research challenges of feasibility and recruitment


Gather Rapid Responses

• Speed up research with instant AI for quicker data collection and analysis

• Conduct real-time qualitative interviews and get survey responses within an hour

• Instant results, regardless of sample size—no more waiting!


Reduce Costs by 100x

• Get quality responses at lower costs than traditional methods, with fixed pricing

• Enjoy predictable subscription-based pricing without varying rates for incidence or sample size

• Eliminate cost per complete with our all-in-one research tool—no more project POs


Integrate Qual and Quant

• Seamlessly blend qualitative insights with quantitative data in one unified platform

• Transition effortlessly between deep, qualitative understanding and broad, quantitative analysis

• Harness the full spectrum of research intelligence, integrating Qual and Quant seamlessly


The Great Digital Expedition

Think of us as internet archaeologists, excavating the vast ruins of the WWW. We sift through the digital sands to uncover the hidden treasures of data – insights so fresh, they’re practically gossiping.


Crafting Digital Doppelgängers

Next up, in our digital Frankenstein lab, we mix magic with math in a multi-part modeling stage. Think of it like an equation for personality – it captures elements from demographics, behaviors, goals, frustrations and more.


Brewing the Insight Blend

Our output? An amalgamation of real-life people into AI profiles. Think of them as ‘living profiles’ – born from genuine behavioral data. They evolve, shift, and keep pace with the times, mirroring real experiences and current happenings!



$50 / month


5 Surveys

5 Interviews

Access to 200 Respondents


$250 / month


10 Surveys

10 Interviews

Access to 500 Respondents

Pro Plus

$500 / month


15 Surveys

25 Interviews

Access to 1000 Respondents

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